Friday 30 July 2010


沉重的真實故事。一種統稱為sleeping-sickness的疾病,患者會在日常活動時,肢體突然停頓,猶如睡去。每一次的停頓時間會越來越長,到最後不再甦醒,但仍然生存 (alive but asleep)。這群病者一直沉睡,一年,兩年,十年,三十年......直到1969年Dr Sacks試用新藥L-DOPA,這藥在某些病人身上起了作用,有些醒來並痊癒,有些間斷地沉睡甦醒沉睡再甦醒,有些醒來一段短時間再進入永久的沉睡,直到老死。病者一覺醒來,幾十年的光景,身體是成人甚至老人,心智卻仍停留在沉睡之前,人面全非......一個病者的讀白讓人心碎: “At first, I thought L-DOPA was the most wonderful thing in the world, and I blessed you [Dr. Sacks] for giving me the Elixir of Life. Then everything went bad, I thought it was the worst thing in the world, a deadly poison, a drug which sent one down to the depths of hell; and I curse you for giving it to me.”


Thursday 22 July 2010

Welcome back to the real life~~ (in low voice of an old man)

After 5 days of intensive summer course, I have to get back to the real world!!! When I was working in the office, those drama pieces were floating in my mind, The Wise Woman, The Congo, Last Text Message, The Arrival, I just can’t stop thinking of all these. In the pass few days, we left Hong Kong with our imagination, we had been to the ancient village, where people believed in the god of the sea, where the wise woman betrayed us and killed the new born baby of my neighbour. We had been to Congo, where Dr Smythe took human as specimens. We faced lots of difficulties, and our lives are enriched. The world is much larger that I thought it was. Now, I just feel like a kid, discovered that there is a new world behind the door, a brand new place to be explored.

Just remember, "Get your job done on time." said the boss T.T

Tuesday 20 July 2010

We play and we learn

This is really a nice course, differ from the drama classes I had in secondary school, drama education focus on playing rather than performing. That’s what they called a “process drama”. Though I was tired everyday after school, I still enjoyed my time being with you all great and lovely people. In the sharing with a group of secondary school students today, a S.1 girl asked “so did your parents support you to get in the drama field?” and I found quite a lot of us had tried to apply APA when we were YOUNG (haha, not now), but with the objection from families, we chose another path which most of the people will choose, to get into the university. But, as Oscar said, “if you want to get there, you will be there finally, need not to think too much.”, and i think to myself "Yes, I’m here, finally."

I shall never forget the vision you’ve shown me.
I shall never give up the dream you’ve given to me.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Fish Tank




Monday 12 July 2010


一個客人來訃聞稿,上面寫著徐志摩的詩句「悄悄的我走了 正如我悄悄的來 我揮一揮衣袖 不帶走一片雲彩」過世的是一位老太太。我想,她是個高貴祥和的老奶奶。看到這幾句,腦裏就浮現出,她穿著旗袍走在陽光明媚的路上,回首跟自己親人揮手作別的畫面。當有一天,一個人走到盡頭,留下的不是呼天搶地的悲哭,只是幾句詩,只是一抺淡淡的雲。這是最美好的。

Friday 9 July 2010



Sunday 4 July 2010

